Karma is real, whether you accept it or not. This law states that Karma is a real energy that flows; cause and effect, effect and cause. There are multiple planes of causation, but no one can escape this. This law affects everything in existence; plants, animals, insects, etc. The very thoughts you think could result in Karmic repercussions, both positive or negative. Karma energy also exists in other dimensions, planes, and realities, and you being on THIS plane doing whatever; can result in Karmic repercussions. Most people on this plane are satisfying Karmic debt from past lives. It’s detrimental for you to have mindfulness towards this very powerful law and take it seriously. If this law is not acknowledged, this will result in reincarnation decisions from the Fates and ONE mind. It affects your existence here, now, and forever. There is even a Karma Bank account, which dictates whether you will reincarnate, or even stay on your reality plan until you decide to pass on to another life (More on this in my upcoming e-book “The Toa of Riches”.