This law refers to following the path of least resistance. Do not push against what feels right to you. Choice is something that is precious to us all, and with so many paths available, the path that feels right is the best choice. Lead with your heart. Understandably, the path that is the easiest isn’t always the one that leads to an easier experience. If you are willing to suffer the consequences for being your true self, then it will be worth it in the long run. Oftentimes, we lose friends, loved ones, and association with people due to the choices we make for our life. The Law of Economy reminds us that the path of least resistance is the one of our hearts desire, but understand that it may be a path you walk alone. If this law is not acknowledged, you will limit your spiritual elevation; not following your true path. You will not fulfill your soul contract. Most of us have reincarnated into this life to fulfill our true purpose. Not doing so will result in continuing to reincarnate until you do, which will ultimately delay spiritual evolution.

  • Soul Contract